Thursday, June 25, 2009

Life Research 1.0: What would make moving much harder than it already is?


Moving is hard.

DO procrastinate.

Finding a place to move to is NOT a priority.

DO leave town the weekend you are supposed to be moving.

If you have finals, DO leave as much packing and moving for when studying becomes very important.

HYPOTHESIS: Moving is hard if you follow all of the above guidelines.

EXPERIMENT: Moving from 1414 Grand Ave. to 4007 Everts in one night, during finals, after partying extremely hard in Portland, Oregon and losing my phone.

After getting out of class at 10 PM, Jenna, Jessica and I frantically tried to pack up my boxes, furniture and massive amount of clothes into 3 cars and rally over to the new pad. We tied my mattress to the top of Jenna's car with left over cable and sketchily drove through the streets of PB at 1 AM.


Late night mess = No sleep before finals. Yippee.


If you like stress and would like to make your next moving experience extremely hard, follow all the guidelines above. Simply put.

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